06 January 2011

Spring, please?






Winter always gives me a sort of blueish feeling. Up until the holidays it's always covered up by coziness: lighting candles and playing classical music late at night wrapped in a blanket. But somehow, like a switch, after the New Year begins a new malaise always gets me. I think because there is such a stretch between now and springtime.

I find myself doing things that remind me of warmer weather: making smoothies, playing music that I find reminds me of spring (mostly The Beatles, for some reason!), sitting in a sunlit window, planning a springtime trip, maybe even 'thinking' about exercising. (I'll let you know if I get so far as actually exercising! Ha!)

What do you like to do to get out of a winter depression? Any suggestions? This would especially be helpful as more snow is headed to our area this week. Yuck.


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