03 June 2010


So yesterday I promised I would post today, and so here I am, back to being a blogger, trying desperately to attain some sort of blogging rhythm. I don't like disappearing for weeks at a time and then coming back to post and then leaving again. I hope to continue to post on an almost daily or at least every - other - day pattern. The reason for my absence was because the studio that I write these posts in was 90 degrees. Our landlord has yet to put the air condition units into our apartment and so despite the thermal curtains drawn and the fans blowing on and on, it still is pretty hot. That's why today I am writing this entry in the morning, before the hot sun warms the room!

Anyway, to get to the fun stuff now:

I came across a great article from Design Sponge about creating terrariums. I love terrariums. I remember creating my very own in 3rd grade out of an empty milk bottle. I have no recollection as to what was in the terrarium, but I had a great time doing it. They specifically highlighted the work of Katie Goldman Macdonald who sells the terrariums that she creates. She utilizes blown glass vessels to house the plant environment. How amazing are these?

Image above - Drew Kelly for the New York Times

On her website,  Goldman Macdonald mentions that she does locally commissioned works. These would be great centerpieces for a wedding, no?  I also really appreciate how her website has a beautiful watercolored homepage

Images of Terrariums from Botany Factory

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